Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Apple Pushers: A Solution in a Pushcart

Obesity, diabetes, and heart problems: Americans have an issue with food. While these symptoms might more blatantly point to overconsumption as the cause, there is also the subtle yet intrinsic tie they have with food shortages. That is, healthy food shortages. 

This documentary is a story of the American dream - with a bit of a twist. Following the lives of five cart pushers recently immigrated to the U.S., it not only addresses the problem of food deserts - it offers a solution. New York City's Green Cart Initiative, established in 2008, was first fronted by philanthropist Laurie Tisch and continues to offer fresh produce in areas of New York City that need it most.

Affordable, convenient, and flexible, these carts are only the beginning of a raised awareness in food scarcity in our very own United States. While opponents argue against the initiative, citing lack of need, it only emphasizes the discrepancies between the lifestyles of those in power, who likely don't live in food deserts, and those of the disenfranchised. It only stands to reason that the group of people most affected should have the loudest voice, and in this case, the right to good nutrition. 

Interested in watching the full documentary? Click the link below for a list of showings near you, and stay updated!

-Dana Lofgren

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