Saturday, February 4, 2012

Serious Problems

The earth faces two dire issues: obesity and malnutrition/starvation. Many would say that starvation is because of the lack of resources while obesity is the excess of resources. This may be true, but the problem of obesity is largely due (excuse the pun) to an excess of the wrong resources. Obesity especially in the southern states in the US do not have easy access to fresh food and produce, as we have described previously. While this does not present immediate deaths like starvation, wait ten years and diabetes, heart conditions, autoimmune disorders, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc will claim their victims. Food deserts are serious! What has been our response to them: nothing. Living in the areas where there are food deserts are people of color and low socioeconomic status. This is a huge environmental injustice. If there were no health or farmer's markets in Beverly Hills, there would be hell to pay! Yet, communities of color and low income have no voice. Unfortunately, the loudest they will ever be heard is in their death.
I am sure you are thinking, "Wow! How morbid! And way over exaggerated." I admit it is morbid, but not exaggerated. There has been over 112,000 preventable deaths due to obesity and its effects. Hopefully, this will make you increasingly aware and awake you to fight the battle against this environmental injustice!


1 comment:

  1. It is horrible how easy it is to forget how blessed we are in the PNW to have access to such food.

    Two summers ago, I lived in Germany and was amazed at how 'fit' everyone was. They all had access to healthy food options and were less focused on fast foods as citizens are here.
