Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pesticides! The bounty of America

Have you seen the recent film entitled Food Inc? Have you noticed the recent surge to eat organic food? Have you noticed that more kids are being diagnosed with food allergies and diabetes? Have you noticed the numerous recalls on food products because of ecolae and salmonella? People are getting sick as a result of what they are eating. And no it's not some sketchy food joint but our grocery stores that are giving us this food. A good way to describe today's Americans is they are a microwave generation. What I mean by this is they want things fast and now, hence the millions of fast food restaurants. We want pineapple and bananas all year long, oblivious to season or where they come from. Did we realize our demand for all this produce has become a source of CO2 emissions from the transportation of these goods? What's more is did we even think about how this banana we are about to eat is perfectly ripe just at the point of purchase? Last time I checked, Us in Washington do not have a climate for growing bananas. The answer to this question is pesticides! Pesticides insure us ripe fruit at the point of purchase and it everyday if we so choose. When it comes down to it pesticides are man's way of controlling nature in order to yield the results that he desires. But is nature something for man to control? Pesticides allow for every dollar spent, four dollars saved. Yes, I agree this shows economic advantages but do we end up really saving ourselves when we are lost in medical debt? Pesticides are not only hurting our food, but they are also hurting the workers. Often times, farm owners spray pesticides when the workers are still in the field. This ends in numerous health issues.
We must do something that says that we do not want pesticides in our food! A corn farmer at the end of the Food Inc. film said that if we demand, they will deliver! So let's demand pesticide free food!


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