Tuesday, February 14, 2012



1 comment:

  1. Great movie. A perfect indication of how horrible the McD's trap is. Your health literally deteriorates. And sadly it is so inexpensive and wide spread that this is all some people can afford to get food from. No wonder the United States has a has over 25% obesity.(http://uk.reuters.com/article/2008/07/17/uk-obesity-usa-idUKN1748843320080717).

    Sadly our bad habits are also spreading around the world.

    I have visited over 10 different countries ranging from the North America's, to Europe, and South Asia. In all stops I had quick access to McDonald's. A study in 2000 (http://www.philau.edu/schools/liberalarts/news/documents/RussoSBA.pdf) found Britain and Germany following close behind the US with also high obesity levels. In 2005 it was found that, on average, 70% of men and 50% of
    women were overweight or obese in Germany (same as previous article).

    This is a combination of our growing fast paced world (laziness), poor food choices and availability, and a huge decrease in general physical activity.

    It is a depressing issue that is quickly getting worse. Here is to good luck for the world on solving this human caused health disaster!

